Sunday, November 13, 2016


I find it laughable how people on the left are preaching calm and patience with how our country is going to turn out with Trump as president. It's going to turn out horribly for everyone besides rich people. I guess the only silver lining I can find from all of this is that almost all of the people that voted for Trump are also going to get buried by his policies. I will not be shedding any tears for them. Economic anxiety is not something Trump is going to assuage. He is a plague on whatever business he touches, if you haven't noticed. Everyone that voted for him might not all be racist pieces of shit, but you all sure as hell seem okay with him and his cronies being racist pieces of shit. America has always been morally repugnant on issues of equality, but it was usually cloaked so that people could explain it away as something other than what it totally is. We are a nation built on white supremacy, and Trump finally just laid it bare. No cloak anymore, now we just have people feeling it is their divine right to be horrible to people that don't look like them. Well to that, and to people that want to defend that point of view in some other fantastical excuse, I say fuck you. Seriously, go fuck yourselves. Conciliation only works when both sides are reasonable. The far right is not reasonable. They don't care about other points of view. Their narrow focus is on power and control over others, and having a misplaced superiority complex. It's not super complicated. Trump's people are hell bent on re-creating an America where there is no place for non-white people. And appeasing their interests in the short run will not end up working in some sort of long game of making things better. They won't change and become better people. They will certainly turn into worse and worse people and make everyone's lives as miserable as they can. Don't try to see both sides. One side is hateful, stupid shit that is going to remain hateful, stupid shit. The other side is no better if they don't fight that at every turn. Fuck Trump.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

If You've Got Hate In Your Heart, Let It Out

Trump is a racist. He hates women. He is a blithering moron. He is a failure of a businessman that has good lawyers and accountants. He is a xenophobe. He lives in a world where there have been no consequences for his actions since birth, and acts as such. If you're voting for him, well, I don't think we can be friends because you obviously support racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and whatever the fuck else it is. And I kind of hate you. You might as well carry a sign around with you that says, "I'm white and I enjoy my privileges and I'm way too selfish and have no self awareness to be able to understand what other people deal with on a daily basis."

If you're voting for Trump you're supporting a sentient blob of slurs whose slogan should just be in bold neon Las Vegas print, "TRANSCENDENTALLY STUPID AND HATEFUL." You know who continues to endorse Trump? Robby Portman. The spineless lackey that obviously enjoyed carrying water enough for George W. Bush enough that he is back for round 2 with Trump. Dude, your weaselly pinched ass face is never getting onto a presidential ticket. Why are you so scared of going against a bellowing Orangesicle in a wig. I know politics is your profession but if you had an ounce of morals or scruples instead of just base career survivalism you wouldn't be supporting such a vile jackass in Trump.

Don't vote for these people. They deserve an asskicking but unfortunately that is probably something that has never ever happened to Trump or Portman because they are way too insulated to ever leave themselves exposed to an environment where that could happen.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Different Languages, Same Meanings

John Kasich is not much more of a moderate than Donald Trump, he's just more subtle and covert about his oh-gosh-pea-diddly-shitbag ways. Kasich knows how to talk and act like a politician. Which is to say he doesn't "tell it like it is" the way Trump does because he isn't trying to appeal to the same people. As his modus operandi he uses code, behind the scenes skullduggery, and the knowledge that you can do almost anything legislatively if you package it in a certain language. Unless you do further research on him and what he's done as Governor, which a lot of people have no interest in doing because extra reading is for the birds, what he seems to be at face value is someone that is trying to be reasonable when he really is anything but that. He's just better at playing the part than other candidates. So I guess please don't get swept up in the, "He seems more palatable conversation." Kasich is not a centrist, he is a my personal religion should dictate public policy, women and poor people don't matter, ruining the public school system in favor of privatization is cool, unions are bad because big business getting their way in every little detail of the whole damn world is inexplicably a good thing for working class people kind of right-wing career politician. He is human garbage, so is Trump, so are most politicians. Most establishment democrats included.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Lesson In Illusion

Yesterday, John Kasich essentially killed Planned Parenthood in Ohio. I had heard this was coming down the pike and had seen the weird kneeling faith-based protestors outside the Mt. Auburn location several times, but I was hoping something would change or there would be an 11th hour stop put to this destructive madness. From what I gathered, Kasich defunded it because his personal religious beliefs find abortions to be a sin. Kasich is the kind of guy that would send back a ham sandwich at a diner because the yellow mustard had too much flavor. Boiled down, a musty old white dude completely out of touch with the real world gets to decide what choices women have when they become pregnant even though their decision won't personally affect him in any way, shape or form.

It’s silly to think that our country was founded on bedrock principles like religious freedom and freedom of the individual when slavery and witch hunts and scarlet letters and puritanism are all a rich part of America’s past. So what does America stand for? It seems like it stands for white power, religious zealotry, and making sure that poor people stay poor and unsupported. I am so ashamed of the mindset of most of the citizens of America for thinking that racism isn’t real or that with enough perseverance anyone can be pulled up by their bootstraps. Or that Christian zealots are good passionate people while any Muslim, no matter the strength of their faith, is a straight menace.

There is a complete disconnect in America between what people believe is owed to them and what people believe is owed to someone different from them. People believe that since they are American, they have rights and freedoms and can exercise their own free will as they make their way in the world. Then the same people also believe that someone that doesn’t look like them or doesn’t believe in the same omniscient presence or is less fortunate doesn’t deserve jack shit. They believe that it’s that other person's own damn fault, not that the system has rigged the game in advance and if need be will rewrite the rules on the fly to keep things from ever being fair. The American playing field is tilted towards white men in every single aspect of our society and the powers that be want it to stay that way under any guise imaginable. The America of the past, of the present and of the foreseeable future is a dangerous hellscape if you are a person of color, or a women, or someone that holds religious beliefs outside of Christianity. God help you if check multiple boxes off that list.

I'm saying all of this knowing fully well that my life would be very different if I wasn't afforded the privilege of being a white male. I honestly don't know how to change any of it besides just write out my opinion. It's far from good enough.