Monday, March 13, 2017

Live and Let Live

Since mid November, I have been at accomodating a simmering rage that hovers just beneath the surface. Sometimes I wonder why I'm in a bad mood and then I remember, oh right, that whole thing is not going away. I try to understand how things can play out the way they have, and all I can come up with is that the world doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks is right or wrong. If there is a god, it doesn't care. This is probably all very amusing to it. I mean, if you're god why not just sit back and laugh at the dark cosmic joke that is unfolding right now.

White People in America are playing that old 90's R&B standard on loop, "I want it all, or nothing at all." And if they can't have it all, then they might as well drag everyone else to hell with them. WHICH IS INSANE. I know it's a power and control thing but god damn, why do people always want to project their own values onto other people? Particularly people that they don't know and aren't affected by in any way. Why does Betsy Devos feel the need to spread her malicious evangelism to every public school instead of just the ones that her family attends? Can't people be satisfied with living their life the way they want to and letting other people make their own decisions? Why is that such a foreign concept to certain segments of our society?

Hate is such a powerful motivator and I wish it would be directed towards the people that deserve it. Why hate immigrants when the people that actually have taken your jobs are the CEO's that value profit over people? Or if you hate immigrants because they scare you and you think they're up to no good, maybe consider how scared they probably are to be in America, where they have been portrayed as devils only because their set of religions, that are all basically the same as christianity, go by a different name. Why hate the poor for needing assistance when they are born into a system designed to keep them poor? Instead why not hate the people in power that have stacked the deck against poor people from advancing upward?

America seems to be cruising towards a comeuppance of our own making. What makes me angry is that a lot of people at the bottom have had no choice in the matter, but nonetheless will suffer the most.

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