Thursday, January 26, 2017


For whatever reason, Democrats think that they are still playing a game with rules. That there is still going to be a give and take involved. I’m not sure why. The game ended when Obama took office. Trump and his Gang are not playing around. They have no intention of throwing the Dems a bone or making concessions. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but they are going to push through whoever and whatever they please irregardless of what it looks like to the rest of America and the world. They obviously don’t care. They’re just out here stealing $500 bills out of the monopoly bank willy nilly with no repercussions or push back while Dems are the thimble sitting on GO waiting for a dice roll that is never ever going to happen. Republicans have been waiting for this moment for a long time. They want to break their opposition early and irrevocably. Everything they’ve done so far has been to consolidate their power and control. They don’t plan on giving any of that power and control back. It's going to have to be wrested from them by overwhelming force. They're getting rid of freedom of the press by dropping felonies on journalists covering protests. They're getting rid of peaceful protests by letting police departments sue protesters for the OT hours officers have to work during the demonstrations. They are going to turn America's most prized possession, our majestic public land, into future oil drilling projects and eventual environmental disaster sites. The EPA now has a gag order on talking about climate change or abominable situations like the Flint Water Crisis. I don't even want to start with how fucking dumb and delusional it is to try and build a fucking concrete 30 foot high border wall.

They are turning America into a giant ATM for them and their buddies, an ATM that withdraws directly from America's bank account, while keeping the rest of the country under an authoritarian thumb lest they voice their displeasure of getting robbed blind. Every executive order so far has been horrifying but unsurprising because either Trump or one of his clownishly evil cronies has already said they were going to do this shit. We have brought full blown fascism into America's house. Fascism doesn't just leave on it's own. You have to remove it forcibly and then burn the couch cushions that it sat on. Dems right now think that when they say, “Okay, party is over, it’s been real, see you soon,” that the night ends and these fuckers are going to go on their way. Trump’s Fascism is going to hear that signal to depart, proceed to kick their feet up on the couch, dig their heels in and say, ”Fuck your couch! This is my couch now. And my house. You're actually trespassing right now, cops are on the way. I'm pressing full charges.” They aren’t going to play nice. So don’t play nice with them. We just got 8 years of insane obstructionism from Republicans in Congress. Dems didn't make it a week before caving to Trump’s bullshit. It’s going to be a long grim nightmare for the foreseeable future if the current dynamic between the two parties stays the same because the Dems don’t seem to understand what is happening and is going to keep happening until they stop allowing themselves to be duped and bullied. And if these Dems don’t toughen up then they need to be ousted to get people in there that aren’t scared of fighting fire with fire. And if it comes down to it, as Petey Pablo said, "Fuck the Law, they can't arrest us all."

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