Thursday, October 14, 2010

Saturday Saturday Saturday

Ohio State plays Wisconsin Saturday night. This game always brings back bad memories for me of when I was a freshman in college (2003) and it was the year after the Buckeyes won the title game. The Buckeyes lost that night game in Wisconsin on a 4th quarter double move by Lee Evans that absolutely torched our All-World corner Chris Gamble. I remember it for that move while some others of you might remember it for an Ohio State LB choking/trying to maim the Wisconsin QB. Yes the play was really really dirty, but it was also steroidingly badass and I don't care if that makes me a bad person. I root for Ohio State, we're all bad people. All of this is off the topic though. The important thing about this game is that Mo Clarett wasn't playing in it. He didn't play the whole year because of "NCAA violations". Whatever those are. And it makes me wistful to think what could have been if he had not been so brazenly disrespectful towards some shitty unfair rules. You might think I'm stupid for this, but some of the reason I decided to go to Ohio State was because I was under the impression that Mo Clarett would be playing for the Buckeyes while I was a freshman and sophomore and through the associative property that meant that I had a very good chance of seeing the Buckeyes win a couple more national titles. This was not to be of course. Clarett never played a down while I was at Ohio State. And I actually don't begrudge him. I begrudge the NCAA for existing as a governing body. Fuckers. Anyway, there's no real point to this story. Fuck Wisconsin. Fuck Lee Evans. And fuck that Wisconsin QB (Jim Sorgi) that had such a weak and vunerable neck that Robert Reynolds decided he should smash it.

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