Thursday, March 28, 2013

Staring Into The Void

Ohio State plays Arizona in the Sweet Sixteen tonight. I hope OSU wins, but it isn't the end of the world if they don't. I mean, with a loss my whiskey intake will spike dramatically at the end of and immediately after the game and I'll briefly want to burn things, domestic things like couches and lamps and finery. But then I'll go to bed shortly after and when I wake up the sting of the loss will be a numb memory like when you keep absentmindedly feeling for a bad tooth that just got removed. And then you'll think about how that tooth was lucky, and damnit, what was I thinking getting rid of it IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TOURNAMENT. ABSCESS IS JUST ANOTHER TERM FOR CHAMPION. Nevermind that though.

I'm more worried about what lies ahead if they don't win. Mainly, the college sports nothingness that follows the end of their basketball season.  I don't want them to lose tonight, because losing means there are no more Ohio State games to watch and get excited for until football starts back up in September.

There is the NBA, which I will watch plenty of in the coming months to sate my viewing appetite for sports. But I'm more of a neutral observer with that considering rooting for the Knicks is like hoping the ravages of time and wind don't erode some big rock formation out in the desert (optimism, I have none). And there is of course baseball, which, guhhh, just thinking about it makes me

So I want Ohio State to win so I can briefly stave off, at least for one or a couple more games, what comes next. The long space voyage filled with inky blackness and brief far away fragments of light. The travel might be rewarding and I might come across some awesome glowing space rocks that explain how they built the AgroCrag, but it will also definitely be more boring without getting interplanetary messages about the team I root for and care about. So tonight, go Buckeyes or I'll see you around the moon tomorrow.

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